
The role of modern emollients in prophylaxis of atopic dermatitis exacerbation during pollination season
Litovkina A.O., Smolnikov E.V., Elisyutina O.G., Fedenko E.S.
Ragweed pollen allergens: description and prospects for the development of new highly effective allergy vaccines
Shatilov A.A., Shatilova A.V., Asanbaeva A.A., Babikhina M.O., Shilovskiy I.P., Andreev S.M., Smirnov V.V., Nazarova E.V., Pasikhov G.B., Popova M.V., Strueva P.A., Elisyutina O.G., Ukhanova O.P., Kudlay D.A., Khaitov M.R.
The experience with subcutaneous allergen-specific immunotherapy with pollen allergens in patients with atopic dermatitis
Elisyutina O.G., Litovkina A.O., Smolnikov E.V., Fedenko E.S.
Characteristics of the molecular sensitization profiles in patients with birch pollen allergy and cross-reactive food allergy to PR-10 proteins
Litovkina A.O., Byazrova M.G., Smolnikov E.V., Aplevich O.V., Fedenko E.S.
Sublingual allergen-specific therapy in a child with diabetes mellitus
Gaiduk I.M., Trusova O.V., Kamaev A.V., Arakelyan R.N.
Characteristics of the allergic disorder and sensibilization spectrum distributions in the Russian Federation taking into account climatic and geographical features of the regions
Nazarova E.V., Khaitov M.R.
Practical issues of using emollients for the prevention of exacerbations of atopic dermatitis during the flowering season: Expert resolution
Fedenko E.S., Zakharova I.N., Zaytseva O.V., Pampura A.N., Tamrazova O.B.
Oral allergy syndrome in children with pollen sensitization in Tomsk region
Fedotova M.M., Fedorova O.S., Ogorodova L.M., Evdokimova T.A.
Astaf'eva N.G., Udovichenko E.N., Gamova I.V., Perfilova I.A., Kobzev D.Y., Astafieva N.G., Udovichenko E.K., Gamova I.V., Perfilova I.A., Kobzev D.Y.
Component allergy diagnostics as a tool for the management of patients with allergic diseases
Churyukina E.V., Dudareva M.V., Kolesnikova N.V., Filippov E.F., Ukhanova O.P.
Features of the fungal spectrum in the air environment in the Rostov region according to the results aeropalynologic monitoring 2019
Churyukina E.V., Nazarova E.V.
Some features of the prevalence of respiratory allergy in southern Russia
Macharadze D.S.
Grass pollen allergy: a disease-modifying sublingual allergen-specific immunotherapy with the SQ timothy grass extract tablet
Litovkina A.O., Smolnikov E.V., Elisyutina O.G., Fedenko E.S.
Preparation and properties evaluation of the recombinant analogue of birch pollen allergen Bet v 1
Pavlov A.E., Seylieva N.A., Mukhortykh O.Y., Stefanov V.E.
Treatment of ragweed pollionosis using sublingual allergens
Ukhanova O.P., Ebzeeva I.I.
1 - 15 of 15 Items

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