Vol 9, No 3 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Published: 15.06.2012
- Articles: 13
- URL: https://rusalljournal.ru/raj/issue/view/50
Chronic idiopathic urticaria. The diagnostic problem
The causes of chronic urticaria are not revealed in 80—95% of cases. The most important part of the investigation is an anamnesis morbi. Specific laboratory tests should be selected on the basis of diagnostic hypothesis. Tests may include: full blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, routine biochemistry, glucose, thyroid function, thyroid autoantibodies, antinuclear antibodies, immunoglobulins, protein electrophoresis, complement C3 and C4 components, cryoglobulins, allergen-specific IgE, serology for infections, stool samples for parasites and urine analysis. Al least 30% of patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria appear to have an autoimmune aetiology. Although a positive serum skin test has a reasonable specificity to establish the autoimmune nature of urticaria, a negative result has high negative predictive value.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(3):3-6

Preparation and properties evaluation of the recombinant analogue of birch pollen allergen Bet v 1
Background. For wide introduction of the component allergy diagnostics in laboratory practice it is necessary to create methods of production, purification and verification of synthetic allergens. Major birch pollen protein Bet v 1, a representative of the superfamily PR-10, is interesting due to the high incidence of sensitization and the manifestation of cross-reactive properties. Methods. To receive a synthetic protein DNA cloning techniques were used, followed by expression in E. coli. Purification was made by metal-affinity chromatography. Evaluation of immunochemical properties was held in several tests including ELISA analysis and line-blot. Results. We have obtained high-yield bacterial strain E. coli, containing expression vector for protein Bet v 1 production. Physico-chemical and immunological properties were estimated in various test systems with the reference panel of serum. Conclusion. It was shown that the resulting synthetic analogue of protein Bet v 1 can be used to measure the presence of specific immunoglobulin E in serum samples. This allergenic component may be used for estimation of each component of the sensitization profile.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(3):7-13

Prevalence of bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis in children in Lesnoy area of Sverdlovsk region
A research of prevalence of allergic diseases in children from 0 to 6 years has been carried out using a standardized program «International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood» (ISAAC) in town Lesnoy in 2010. Background. To define the prevalence and structure of atopic diseases in different age groups in children of preschool age in town Lesnoy. Methods. Standardized program «International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood» (ISAAC). Results. Formation of atopic march is defined, in early age — atopic dermatitis and later respiratory form of allergy. Conclusion. Treatment of atopic dermatitis as risk factor of further development of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma can promote preventive maintenance of respiratory forms of allergy in children of younger age.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(3):14-17

The dynamics of soluble apoptosis markers during diet therapy in infants with atopic dermatitis
Background. To estimate the dynamics of soluble apoptosis markers in infants with atopic dermatitis for updating mechanisms of immunopathogenesis and improvement of diet therapy. Methods. We observed 66 bottle-fed infants aged 1,5—12 months old (boys -47, girls — 19) with atopic dermatitis (AD). The sensibilization to cow milk protein was revealed in all 66 infants. Detected allergen-specific IgG and IgE antibodies to cow milk protein, its fraction and goat milk protein were the reason to include infants into the 1st group and feed with hydrolyzed formula (27 infants). 39 infants in the 2nd group, who were not sensibilized to goat milk protein, were fed by goat milk based formula. Serum levels of soluble apoptosis markers (sCD153, caspase-8, sFas-L, caspase-9 and annexin-5) were measured by immunoenzyme method (ELISA). Results. The activation of signal apoptosis systems in infants with AD with increased levels of sFas-L и sCD153 was revealed. Levels of caspase-8 and caspase-9 were significantly lower than in control group, and reflected the impaired elimination of modified immmunocompetent cells. The level of annexin-5 was significantly lower in infants with AD than in control group. The estimation of the dynamics of investigated parameters during diet therapy showed significant increase of caspase-9 level in both groups. The level of caspase-8 was increased only in infants who were fed by goat milk formula. Levels of sFas-L, sCD153 and annexin-5 during diet treatment did not differ significantly between groups. Conclusion. The results showed that sCD153, caspase-8, sFas-L, caspase-9 and annexin-5 play a role in the realization of allergic inflammation in infants with AD. The diet therapy with goat milk formula promotes more physiological repair of the effectory component of the apoptosis.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(3):18-22

Antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus in children with atopic dermatitis in 2002-2004 versus 2007-2009 years
Background. Staphylococus aureus (S. aureus) colonization is revealed in 80-84% of patients with atopic dermatitis (AD). There are no results on S. aureus susceptibility to antibiotics in children with AD within the period 2002-2004 to 2007-2009 years. Methods. S. aureus susceptibility to antibiotics was evaluated in 62 children with AD in 2002-2004 years and in 199 children in 2007-2009 years. S. aureus susceptibility and resistance to antibiotics were evaluated as frequencies (q) and their 95% confidential intervals (CI 95%) with MS «Excell». results. S. aureus antibiotic susceptibility in AD children is increased to ciprofloxacin since 2002-2004 to 2007-2009 [0,54 (0,42..0,67) /0,85 (0,80..0,91)] and is not changed to ceftriaxone [0,57 (0,44..0,70) /0,64 (0,57..0,71)], oxacillin [0,75 (0,64..0,86)/0,71 (0,64..0,78)] and cefuroxime [0,61 (0,49..0,74)/0,58 (0,36..0,80)]. Erythromycin susceptibility of S. aureus is 7 times reduced [0,71 (0,60..0,82)/0,10 (0,06..0,14)]; chloramphenicol susceptibility is 2 times reduced [0,79 (0,69..0,90)/0,33 (0,09..0,57)]. There is a decline of S. aureus antibiotic susceptibility to penicillin, ampicillin, linkomycin. Conclusion. Ceftriaxone may be the antibiotic of choice in children with severe infected AD. Oxacillin and cefuroxime should be recommended as an alternative choice.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(3):23-26

Improvement of control methods of treatment of mycoplasma infection in children with bronchial asthma
Background. Improvement of control methods of treatment of mycoplasma infection in children with bronchial asthma. Methods. 52 children from 1 to 4 years old with bronchial asthma who had mycoplasma antigens in the blood were examined before treatment of mycoplasma infection, 15 patients were examined in 1,5 months after treatment. Reaction of aggregate-hemagglutination, immunofluorescence assay and the reaction of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used for detection of mycoplasmas’ antigens and DNA. Results. In reaction of aggregate-hemagglutination Mycoplasma pneumoniae (Mpn) was detected in 65,4% of patients, Mycoplasma hominis (Mh) — in 32,7%, Ureaplasma urealyticum — in 50%, Mycoplasma arthritidis — in 46,2%, Mycoplasma fermentrans — in 46,2%. In more detail, we investigated Mpn and Mh. Antigens of Mpn and Mh were detected in serum significantly frequently than DNA by PCR. DNA in structure of circulating immune complexes (CIC) was detected more often than in free state. After treatment by azithromycin the number of positive tests on antigens and DNA in free state and in structure of CIC decreased. In most cases DNA found in serum of blood in free state and in structure of CIC belongs to persistent living cells of mycoplasma. Conclusion. Empowering diagnosis of mycoplasma infections in asthma in children allows to base a comprehensive approach to laboratory diagnosis, monitor treatment, predict disease course.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(3):27-31

Atopic dermatitis. When and how to use topical corticosteroiods?
Atopic dermatitis is a disease characterized with increasing prevalence around the world. It has chronic relapsing course and has a negative impact on the quality of life. Topical steroids (TS) due to their mechanisms of action remain the mainstay of topical treatment for AD patients. At the same time, well known side effects associated with corticosteroid therapy, although seen more frequently with incorrect TS use, and rare with the use of modern TS, in some instances limit their use. That is a reason for proper selection of topical treatment algorythms of AD including emollients and other medications in addition to the TS.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(3):32-36

A European Declaration on Immunotherapy. Combating allergy beyond symptoms. Part II
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(3):37-40

Some aspects of maintaining patients with primary immunodeficiencies with antibodies synthesis disfunction. Data on 10% intravenous immunoglobulin G Gamunex treatment
On time diagnostics and correct treatment of patients with PID with humoral deficiency provide a good prognosis. Despite of long experience of intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) usage for the treatment of these patients no strict recommendations concerning regimes of treatment exist. This article presents clinical experience about the treatment with 10% IVIG Gamunex in PID patients with immunoglobulin deficiency.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(3):49-57

Congresses, Conferences
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(3):64-64

Instructions for Authors
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(3):65-67