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Vol 21, No 3 (2024)

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Original studies

Tryptase levels in children with cutaneous mastocytosis: a prospective study

Potekaev N.N., Kasikhina E.I., Zhukova O.V., Ostretsova M.N., Nada A.Y.


BACKGROUND: Serum tryptase levels are used as a diagnostic marker in mastocytosis and are considered an indicator of clonal mast cell load.

AIM: To analyze tryptase levels in children with different clinical types of cutaneous mastocytosis.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A single-center prospective study was conducted for the period 2022–2024. The results of examination of 202 children aged from 6 months to 17 years with a diagnosis of cutaneous mastocytosis, who were undergoing outpatient treatment at the Moscow scientific and practical Center of dermatovenereology and cosmetology, were analyzed. Serum tryptase levels were determined by enzyme immunoassay.

RESULTS: The median basal tryptase level for the entire group (n=202) was 5.09 μg/L (range 1.3–57.0 μg/L). Serum tryptase values exceeding 11.0 μg/L were detected in 17.3% of patients, and 20.0 μg/L in 7.4%. The mean enzyme level in the control group was 2.55 μg/L. There were significant differences in tryptase concentrations between the maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis and control groups (p=0.05). The median tryptase level in children with maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis was 8.7 μg/L. The most pronounced differences were observed between the enzyme levels in children with the monomorphic type of maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis and in the control group (p=0.01). Analysis of tryptase levels depending on gender and clinical type of maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis showed that children and adolescents with the monomorphic type of maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis had higher enzyme levels.

CONCLUSION: Further studies are needed to determine which tryptase levels in children are indicative of mast cell activation and primary mast cell diseases. A detailed understanding of tryptase levels in children may facilitate the development of new specific therapeutic approaches to the management of various clinical forms of cutaneous mastocytosis.

Russian Journal of Allergy. 2024;21(3):337-347
pages 337-347 views

The spectrum of sensitization in children with respiratory allergic diseases living in the Rostov region, according to molecular allergodiagnostics

Semernik O.E., Lebedenko A.A., Sarychev A.M., Grebenkina N.A., Bakhtin A.V., Maltsev S.V., Spiridenko G.Y.


BACKGROUND: Currently, allergopathology is a global problem all over the world. Due to the widespread occurrence of respiratory allergic diseases, it is of particular interest to study the regional spectrum of sensitization of the population using a modern method-molecular allergodiagnostics. This will help doctors and patients not only identify major allergens, but also competently develop allergen-specific immunotherapy programs.

AIM: To determine the profile (spectrum) of sensitization in children with allergies living in the Rostov region by the method of molecular allergodiagnostics.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: An open multicenter prospective controlled non-randomized study included 67 children with respiratory allergic diseases living in the Rostov region. The patients were examined using the Allergy Explorer 2 (ALEX2) allergy chip. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using the Microsoft Office Excel 2003 and Statistica 12.0 for Windows software package.

RESULTS: According to the conducted studies, it was found that the most common sensitization in children of the Rostov region is caused by weed pollen, pet allergens, pollen of trees, cereals, fruits, mold and yeast fungi, class 4 sensitization was also noted to uteroglobin and lipocalin. Molecular analysis showed that an allergic reaction to ragweed pollen prevailed among pollen allergens ― the allergocomponent Amb a 1 caused sensitization in 27 (40.3%) children, and nettle Ur d ― 23 (34.33%) of the examined. The analysis of the allergen components of tree pollen showed that the most common positive reaction was to date palm (22.39%), cryptomeria japonica (19.4%), while only 6 (8.96%) patients had a “true” allergy to birch pollen (positive component Bet v 1). If we talk about sensitization to house dust mites and mold allergens, it should be noted that the molecules Alternaria alternata (20.89%), Blomia tropicalis (23.88%) and Glycyphagus domesticus (23.88%) prevailed in the spectrum of this group of allergens.

CONCLUSION: In the course of the study, it was found that most often in children of the Rostov region with respiratory allergic diseases, sensitization to weed pollen was determined. This study allowed not only to determine the class of sensitization, but also to identify the allergen components that play a leading role in the development of pathology.

Russian Journal of Allergy. 2024;21(3):348-357
pages 348-357 views


First aid for anaphylaxis: practical and organizational aspects

Birkun A.A., Dezhurny L.I.


Considering the rapid, often unpredictable and unfavorable course of anaphylaxis, early recognition of the signs of this emergency and immediate provision of first aid by the victims themselves or by the witnesses before the arrival of emergency medical services are of exceptional and sometimes of vital importance. Trends towards an increase in the incidence of anaphylaxis and the actual increase in the number of hospitalizations due to complications of severe allergic reactions indicate the high relevance of the problem and the need to establish a reliable organizational basis to ensure the widespread practice of providing first aid for anaphylaxis in the Russian Federation.

This research aimed to review current international and national guidelines on the provision of first aid for anaphylaxis and to identify possible areas for improving the organization of first aid for anaphylaxis in Russia. According to the authors’ opinion, the application of evidence-based provisions presented in the current first aid guidelines to real-life first aid practice can significantly improve outcomes in anaphylaxis, but at the same time requires some basic organizational changes. The priority directions in organizing the provision of first aid for anaphylaxis in the Russian Federation are the development and approval by the Ministry of Health of Russia of a uniform procedure for the provision of first aid for anaphylaxis, including a list of measures for the provision of first aid and the sequence of their application; creating conditions for standardized training of the population in the principles and methods of providing first aid; and ensuring the general availability of epinephrine in the form of autoinjectors as a first-line treatment to prevent life-threatening complications of anaphylaxis.

Russian Journal of Allergy. 2024;21(3):358-367
pages 358-367 views

Antibody-based biological antiviral drugs for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in immunocompromised patients: focus on safety

Geppe N.A., Zaplatnikov A.L., Kondyurina E.G., Blokhin B.M., Revyakina V.A., Kolosova N.G., Abdrakhmanova S.T., Romanova O.N.


The safety of drug therapy is of particular importance for immunocompromised patients. This aspect acquires high importance in the context of choosing tactics for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections.

The review presents data on the features of the antiviral immune response and common cold/influenza in patients with a burdened allergic history and a brief overview of the results of clinical studies on the effectiveness and safety of innovative biological antiviral drugs based on antibodies to biological targets. The drugs have a targeted effect on the immune system in accordance with their pharmacological targets, have a significant evidence base, including a meta-analysis of clinical trials for each drug according to the indication “acute respiratory viral infections/influenza”, as well as individual studies, including double-blind placebo-controlled randomized, with this pathology in immunocompromised patients.

The article also includes the results of a generalized safety analysis of the use of the above drugs for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections/influenza in patients with concomitant allergic and autoimmune pathology.

The results of the conducted studies, meta-analyses and generalized statistical analysis of data on the use of the biological antiviral drugs based on antibodies for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections/ influenza indicate proven efficacy and a favorable safety profile and allow us to recommend drugs for wide use with preventive and therapeutic purposes in accordance with indications, including patients with allergic and autoimmune pathology.

Russian Journal of Allergy. 2024;21(3):368-381
pages 368-381 views

Role of glucocorticoid receptor beta in the development of steroid resistance

Parshina V.A., Kadushkin A.G., Taganovich A.D., Shilovskiy I.P., Shershakova N.N., Khaitov M.R.


Glucocorticoids are the most commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, despite the fact that the resistance to them is increasing due to various circumstances. glucocorticoids insensitivity is an important clinical issue that is associated with life-threatening disease progression. Currently, there is no reliable biomarker that can be used to define steroid resistance. According to several studies, increased expression of the glucocorticoid receptor beta (GR-β) isoform is associated with steroid resistance.

In this review authors analyse the correlation between GR-β expression and the occurrence of steroid therapy-resistant diseases and to determine its potential as a biomarker. This review summarizes studies that point out increased GR-β expression in steroid-resistant groups of patients compared to steroid-sensitive groups. Articles included in the review focus on asthma, nasal polyposis, ulcerative colitis, and other chronic inflammatory diseases in which resistance to steroid therapy is observed. GR-β levels have also been shown to be elevated in patients with allergic rhinitis, Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis. In most studies, higher levels of GR-β were detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Increased expression of GR-β is mostly associated with steroid resistance.

Thus, it can potentially be used as a biomarker of steroid resistance-related disorders.

Russian Journal of Allergy. 2024;21(3):382-394
pages 382-394 views

Telemedicine technologies in allergology: implementation experience in clinical practice, problems and perspectives

Nazarova E.V.


In 2020, the need for widespread restriction of social contacts around the world has raised the issue of alternative types of medical care and, in particular, the development of online consultations with physicians of subspecialties. However, even before the Covid-19 pandemic, telemedicine technologies were demonstrating their ability to save financial and time resources, increase access to health services and improve adherence to treatment for patients with allergic diseases. Despite some technical and legal difficulties associated with the organization of remote appointments, the clinic of the National Research Center ― Institute of Immunology Federal Medical-Biological Agency managed to successfully implement a platform for telemedicine consultations. During the period from 01.09.2020 to 19.04.2024, 4675 patients were consulted, 945 of whom filled out a questionnaire on the quality of medical care provided. According to the results of analyzing the obtained data, we observed high patient satisfaction with the new medical service as well as economic profitability of the project.

The article presents an overview of the world and domestic experience of introducing telemedicine into clinical practice of an allergist, to tell about the way of organization and operation of the platform for telemedicine consultations in the National Research Center ― Institute of Immunology Federal Medical-Biological Agency, and to highlight the current state of the problem.

Russian Journal of Allergy. 2024;21(3):395-403
pages 395-403 views

Case reports

Diagnostics and treatment of urticarial vasculitis associated with COVID-19

Ishchanka A.V., Shchurok I.N., Chernokov O.I., Zakharova V.V., Lesnichaya O.V., Laporevich V.B.


Currently, the issue of COVID-19 infection remains. The potential consequences of acute infection are not yet fully understood. Dermatological manifestations of COVID-19, including urticarial vasculitis, which is poorly responsive to standard therapy, are increasingly reported.

Urticarial vasculitis is a rare dermatological manifestation of COVID-19, characterized by long-lasting welts with angioedema or without it, and histopathological features of leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Leukocytoclastic vasculitis, in turn, is a common form of small vessel vasculitis, with an inflammatory infiltrate consisting of neutrophils, fibrinoid necrosis, and nuclear debris fragmentation (leukocytoclasis). Proper nosology and classification of urticarial vasculitis based on clinical presentation and histological data are crucial.

We described a clinical case of a 54-year-old woman with urticarial vasculitis, who had no systemic diseases. The lack of response to treatment with antihistamines in combination with corticosteroids led to the initiation of colchicine as an alternative therapy. Colchicine suppresses granulocyte mitotic activity, inhibits the formation of leukotriene B4, and reduces leukocyte migration to the site of inflammation, preventing neutrophil degranulation. After treatment with colchicine at a dose of 0.5 mg twice a day for 2 months, remission and improvement of clinical symptoms were achieved.

Post-COVID syndrome with dermatological manifestations is a common issue today. Skin biopsy serves as an important tool in the differential diagnosis of chronic urticaria and urticarial vasculitis after a COVID-19 infection. This highlights the importance of studying dermatological manifestations of COVID-19 for more effective diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

Russian Journal of Allergy. 2024;21(3):404-413
pages 404-413 views

Allergocomponent diagnostics in the management of comorbid patients

Shogenova M.S., Hutueva S.H., Shogenova L.S.


Molecular allergy diagnostics is indicated for patients with comorbid allergy pathology and established polyvalent sensitization. Polyvalent sensitization (simultaneous formation of specific antibodies to allergens from several sources, for example, to cat allergens, birch pollen allergens, strawberries) can manifest itself at any age and is observed in a significant number of patients with allergic diseases. In patients with polyvalent sensitization and / or cross-reactions to allergens of unrelated groups of allergens, the diagnostic search for the causative allergen is difficult. In such cases, molecular allergy diagnostics allows you to establish the spectrum of true sensitization, make a reasonable choice of pathogenetic therapy, predict the course of an allergic disease, prevent the development of severe systemic reactions, including anaphylaxis, carry out reasonable elimination measures in relation to food allergens, preserving the maximum set of nutrients in the patient’s diet. We have carried out work to identify polyvalent sensitization in patients using the ALEX2 allergy chip, recognized as an advanced method of multicomponent allergy diagnostics, which in one study detects specific antibodies to 300 allergens (120 allergens and 180 allergenic molecules) and determines the concentration of total immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the blood serum. The presented clinical examples demonstrate the high information content of the ALEX2 technology, clearly show the possibility of determining the spectrum of causative allergens, which subsequently determines the appointment of adequate treatment and prevents the development of complications, especially in comorbid patients. Allergy component diagnostics provides extensive and detailed information about the patient’s sensitization profile at the molecular level, makes it possible to predict urgent allergic reactions, as well as assess the effectiveness of ASIT and develop personalized recommendations for patients with allergic diseases and polyvalent sensitization to various allergens. The accumulated clinical data indicate the need for a comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic approach to the management of comorbid patients with allergopathology, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment and the quality of life of this category of patients. Molecular allergy diagnostics is an important tool in the hands of an allergist, which plays a significant role not only in current scientific research, but also in everyday clinical work.

Russian Journal of Allergy. 2024;21(3):414-425
pages 414-425 views

EVALI syndrome in a patient with hypersensitivity pneumonitis

Asatryan A.О., Sinelnik E.A., Nedashkovskaya N.G., Kostryukov A.S., Barsukova N.A., Churyukina E.V.


Smoking electronic cigarettes, or vaping, is considered by many to be a safe alternative to smoking tobacco. It was only relatively recently that reports began to appear about the development of lung damage caused by electronic cigarettes ― EVALI syndrome. Currently, the morphological manifestations of this syndrome have not been studied sufficiently due to the small number of cases described in the literature. These facts, as well as the fact that the changes that occur are not specific, and may vary in different patients, make it difficult to diagnose the disease in a timely manner.

We have described a clinical case of death in a patient who has repeatedly received inpatient treatment for interstitial lung disease, who was admitted to the pulmonology department with signs of decompensated respiratory failure after prolonged and intensive use of electronic cigarettes. The autopsy revealed morphological signs and justified the clinical symptoms of chronic hypersensitive pneumonitis in combination with EVALI syndrome.

The article also provides a brief review of the literature on EVALI syndrome and hypersensitive pneumonitis with their diagnostic criteria. Like EVALI, hypersensitive pneumonitis is difficult to recognize and diagnose by doctors, which is often associated with low awareness, as well as the absence of pathognomonic symptoms.

Russian Journal of Allergy. 2024;21(3):426-435
pages 426-435 views

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