Vol 8, No 6 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Published: 15.12.2011
- Articles: 15
- URL: https://rusalljournal.ru/raj/issue/view/57
Atopic dermatitis: experimentalmodels for study of pathogenesis and development of new methods of treatment
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is characterized by allergic skin inflammation. A hallmark of AD is dry itchy skin due, at
least in part, to defects in skin genes that are important for maintaining barrier function. The pathogenesis of AD
remains incompletely understood. A number of mouse models of AD have been developed. This review discusses
these models and emphasizes the role of mechanical skin injury and skin barrier dysfunction in eliciting allergic
skin inflammation. Also, we describe various approaches to the treatment of atopic dermatitis, the latest of which
is the introduction of siRN A. Development of drugs based on siRN A using functional peptides is a promising
area of research in allergology.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(6):3-11

Features ofpollen in region of chemical factor influence
Background. To study features of cereal grasses pollen collected in region were the enterprise that is in charge
of destruction of the chemical weapons is placed - Gorniy, Saratov region.
Materials and methods. Object of the research was pollen of cereal grasses collected in regions, differed by the
ecological characteristics: object for destruction of chemical weapon of Gorniy of the Saratov region (investigated
region), Privolzhsky area of the Ivanovo area (ecologically favorable region) and near to а motorway, Istrinsky
area of Moscow Region (ecologically unfavorable region). Definition of the maintenance of heavy metals in pollen
of grasses was carried out by the method of invertion voltamperometry, by percentage of sprouted pollen grains
and the morphological characteristics of pollen grains by microscopy.
Results. In samples of pollen collected within object for destruction of the chemical weapon of Gorniy, the
maintenance of lead, mercury, zinc and cadmium, in comparison with non-polluting area, and with average
values across the Russian Federation, thus lead almost ten times above, in comparison with average values of
the maintenance in plants across the Russian Federation is authentically increased. The morphological changes
of pollen more expressed in ecologically adverse region are revealed: the quantity of abortive pollen grains
near to а motorway was above more than ten times, and, within the enterprise for the object for destruction of
the chemical weapon of Gorniy, almost in 3 times, in comparison with non-polluting region. It is established
that along with heavy metals (lead and zinc) which are а part of the list of the harmful substances containing
in emissions in atmosphere of the enterprise for the object for destruction of the chemical weapon of Gorniy,
the increasing of mercury and cadmium levels which are absent in а production cycle is revealed and can t be
connected with enterprise functioning. Possibly other sources of pollution render.on the mercury and cadmium
maintenance .
Conclusion. Thus, in experiments it has been shown that pollen of plants possesses considerable sorbtion capacity
for the heavy render metals which are а part of harmful production factors which change bioindicator properties
of plant pollen and could form hypersensitivity.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(6):12-16

Bronchial asthma «masks» are not always easy to recognize.Case report
Clinical case of Churg-Strauss syndrome was described in 36-year old female patient in the course of its
development since the disease suggested start. Churg-Strauss syndromes manifestations were characterized
by high peripheral blood eosinophilia and multiple organ lesions, here include airways, heart (exudative
pericarditis), and skin (urticaria). The prescribed therapy involved cytostatic agents and pulse therapy with
glucocorticoids slowly reducing up to maintaining dose. In the course of the therapy a stable clinical disease
remission was registered. Maximally fast diagnostics of the given syndrome provides immediate start of therapy
and holds up autoimmune process. Both contribute to significant decrease of cases with severe forms and possible
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(6):17-20

New aspects of allergological and immunological ambulatory care in Saint-Petersburg
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(6):21-23

CFTR gene mutations in children with severe asthma
Background. To detect sixteen cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene mutations most common
to Russian populations in children with severe asthma (SA).
Patients and Methods. S A group included 59 children aged 4-17 years old (43 boys and 16 girls). Cystic fibrosis (CF) group
included 27 children aged 5-17 years old with a primary diagnosis of CF (15 boys and 12 girls). We used two kits developed
by Center for M olecular Genetics (Moscow): «CF-5» kit (G542X, W1282X, N1303K, 3849+10kbC>T, R334W) and «CF-11»
kit (del21 kb, F508del, I 507del, 1677delTA, 2143delT, 2184insA, 394delTT, 3821delT, L138ins, 604insA, 3944delTG).
Results. I n the group of children with CF, the frequency a major mutation F508del was 85% (41% with genotype F508del/
F508del, 29% with genotype F508del/nomal and 15% with compound genotype F508del/others). I n 15% of the cases, there
were identified some other mutations of the CFTR gene: N1303K, 394delTT, 2143delT, CFTRdele2, 3 (21kb). The rest 7% of
the cases were not clarified. We have found neither «mild» nor «severe» the mutations of CFTR gene in the S A group.
Conclusion. This study failed to show an association of mutations of CFTR gene with severe asthma in children.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(6):24-27

Experienceof subcutaneous allergen-specific immunotherapy with «Phostal» in children.
Background. The purpose of the work is to investigate the effectiveness and safety of the subcutaneous allergenspecific
immunotherapy (scIT ) using F ostal at pollinosis children.
Methods. 31 patient (19 boys and 12 girls) at the age from 5 to 16 with pollinosis with sensibilization to tree pollen
(birch, alder, hazel) allergens were observed. A ll patients were divided into 2 groups. T he first group consisted
of 11 children, which were treated with F ostal. T he second group was a control group, consisted of 20 children,
no treatment was assigned to them. A ll patients from both groups got the basis pollinosis therapy. Efficiency of
the scIT using F ostal was estimated in terms of its influence on the childrens quality of life, clinical symptoms
and drug load.
Results. Good results demonstrated in terms of increased quality of life indexes were achieved after the initial
stage of the scIT using F ostal. C ompared to the control group, the amount of needed drugs was significantly
decreased, and the decrease in the severity of clinical symptoms of rhinitis (p=0,001) and conjunctivitis (p=0,002)
was observed.
During the scIT with the F ostal trees pollen some negligible local reactions were observed in all cases, in 7 of 11
patients marked local reactions appeared. O n the initial stage of the therapy no systemic allergic reaction was
Conclusion. On the basis of the results of the study, F ostal could be considered as a highly effective and safe
for treatment of pollinosis children. S cIT with the F ostal leads to the improvement of childrens quality of life,
decreasing of clinical symptoms severity as well as drug load.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(6):28-32

The cytokine status in infants with atopic dermatitis
Background. To estimate the process of immunoregulation in infants aged 0-36 months with atopic dermatitis (AD) we have examined serum levels of cytokines and selectines in 89 infants with AD of different severity. Materials and methods. The serum concentration of total IgE was determined by the ELISA immunoenzyme method. For quantitative determination of the allergen-specific IgE and IgG to cow milk protein the non-concurrent immunoenzyme analysis was used. The serum levels of IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-12, IL-13 was determined by the ELISA - enzym-linked immunosorbent assay.
Results of this study showed the role of cellular immunity in the development of allergic inflammation and humoral specific response with significant role of the local immune response, in ADinfants with predominantly IgE response/ In patients with mixed type of immune response (IgE+IgG) we revealed increased serum concentration of IL-4, IL-5, IL-12 and IL-13 compared with control group. We revealed high levels of leukocyte migration factors: ICAM-1 (p<0,05) and E-selectine. The trend to decrease level of IL-2 and increase levels of IFN-γ and TNFα in patients with mixed type of the specific immune response was revealed. The level of IL-5 was significantly higher in patients with mixed type of the immune response compared to other patients. In patients with isolated IgG immune response the level of IL-12 was higher compared to infants with lack of specific response. In patients with isolated IgE-specifis immune response the level of TNFα was significantly higher compared to infants with other types of immune responses.
Conclusion. The obtained data of the interrelation of cytokines, molecules of the intercellular adhesion in infants with AD showed the participation of allergenspecific IgE and IgG antibodies in the pathogenesis of AD with equal activity of non-specific immune inflammation and objective signs of the disease.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(6):33-41

OLYMP programme-basic clinical immunology programme as a part of continued medicaleducation for pediatritians. Mechanisms of the allergoprotective action of thebreast milk and its substitutes.
In the article possible immunological mechanisms of feeding influence on the health status are discussed. Importance of breast feeding for preventive maintenance of allergic diseases, as well as effectiveness of modern mixes enriched by prebiotics is underlined.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(6):42-46

Levocetirizine in allergic rhinitis and rhinoconjunctivitis treatment(review)
This review is devoted to efficacy and safety of levocetirizine in allergic rhinitis treatment. Levocetirize has been
shown to be able to control all symptoms of allergic rhinitis including nasal obstruction, it has anti-inflammatory
and immunomodulatory activity. Levocetirizine has been proven to be safe even in long-term administration
and has less adverse reactions in comparison with other antihistamine drugs. So, levocetirizine is efficacious
and safe medication for treatment patients with mild-to-moderate seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis and
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(6):47-52

Study of inert cellulose powder effect on the nasal mucosa
Background. To investigate the efficiency, safety of inert cellulose powder in allergic rhinitis, and influence
on mucous tunic of nasal cavity.
Materials and methods. Two groups of patients were examined in this research (30 healthy volunteers and
30 patients suffering from allergic rhinitis). The following factors of patients' life and health condition were
evaluated during the investigation: quality of life, the condition of mucous tunic, mucociliary clearance rate,
the ciliabeat frequency of ciliated cylindrical epithelium, the signs of inflammation in the smears of mucous
tunic before and after the treatment with Nazaval and Nazaval Plus.
The results. Nazaval and Nazaval Plus improved the quality of life index and reduced the inflammation signs
of mucous tunic of nasal cavity examined by rhinoscopy and endoscopy. No ciliotoxic effects of preparations
on mucous tunic were established.
Conclusion. The inert cellulose powder is a highly effective and safe product for the treatment of allergic
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(6):53-57

Primary immunodeficienciesin adults
This article presents data on the prevalence of primary immunodeficiency diseases (PID ) in R ussia, reflects
the problems of the adult age patients with PID diagnosis. I t substantiates the necessity of inclusion of this
disease into the list of orphan diseases, that entitles the patients to be provided with expensive treatment irrespective
of the age and disability group. T he article shows clinical and laboratory criteria required for the general
practice doctors to diagnose timely the PID .
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(6):58-67

Tacrolimus in moderate and severeatopic dermatitis treatment. The first clinical experience in Russia
Background. The clinical efficiency and safety of tacrolimus ointment 0,1%, accessible in the Russian market since 2011, in moderate and severe atopic dermatitis (AD) were investigated. The assessment was based on the data of tacrolimus using in routine clinical practice under the registered indication.
Methods. There were 19 moderate and 11 severe AD patients under supervision. Treatment with tacrolimus ointment 0,1% was started with twice a day application. Duration of this treatment was from 1 to 4 weeks (18±4,2 days) up to skin clearance. When symptoms were reduced, the frequency of tacrolimus application was reduced as well to once a day daily, and than to twice a week. Generally, improvement was observed within one week of treatment. Clinical efficiency was assessed by SCORAD index and Investigators' Global Assessment (IGA). Results. Positive clinical effect of tacrolimus 0,1% ointment therapy was found in 90% of AD patients resulted in significant reduction of dryness, rushes, skin itch, SCORAD and IGA indexes.
Conclusion. Tacrolimus 0,1% ointment is effective and safe for treatment of severe and moderate AD. It should be applied both as exacerbations treatment and as maintenance therapy in AD patients.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(6):68-76

Manjko V.M. 80th anniversary
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(6):77-78

Congresses, Conferences
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(6):79-81

Instructions for Authors
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(6):82-85