Vol 7, No 3 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Published: 15.06.2010
- Articles: 14
- URL: https://rusalljournal.ru/raj/issue/view/62
Antimicrobial peptides is antimicrobial protection factors in atopic dermatitis and pyodermiapatients
It is well known that atopic dermatitis patientsґ skin is highly contaminated with S. aureus. On the one hand
S. aureus can cause pyodermia, and on the other hand it is a classical allergen and can initiate IgE production.
Also patientsґ skin is contaminated with some other bacteria, fungi and viruses. This predisposition to a skin
infection arises, at least, partly, because of a defect in protection against the microbes, named innate immunity.
One component of innate immune system are antimicrobial peptides: defensins and cathelicidin LL- 37. Human
defensins are peptides with cysteine structure, they are found out in circularly neutrophiles. Defensins are effective
against a wide spectrum of microorganisms, including gram-negative, gram-positive bacteria, fungi and some
viruses. Except their direct antimicrobial function, defensins have multiple roles as mediators of inflammation,
have chemotactic, immunomodulating and cytotoxic activity and others as well. It is proved that the b-defensins
and cathelicidin LL- 37 level is decreased in atopic dermatitis patients and can predispose to microorganisms
colonization on a skin of this patients. The level of antimicrobial peptides is increased in infected skin.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2010;7(3):3-8

Multidrug resistance gene (MDR1) - marker of therapeutic resistance and severity of disease
Genes polymorphism is known to be one of the causes of the inadequate response to drugs or drugs resistance. In the most of cases drugs influence depends on interaction of several products of genes expression, which influence on drugs pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
Present article concerns the review of publications and results of original investigations concerning the multidrug resistance gene (MDRl) expression associations with P-glycoprotein-170 (Pgp-170) expression in different diseases and the role of Pgp-170 in distribution of drugs in tissues.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2010;7(3):9-13

Dynamics of clinical symptoms and immunity local parametres during allergen - specific immunotherapy in patents with pollinosis and combined forms of sensibilization
Background. To evaluate clinical and immunological efficiency of immunotherapy of pollinosis patients with
combined forms of sensitization with «Sevapharma» allergens, Czech Republic.
Materials and methods. 189 patients with pollinosis (age 18-55 years old) were examined during this study. Out
of these 189 patients three groups were chosen to be treated with pollen allergens made in Czech Republic and
domestic allergens from Russia. During the study slgA in saliva was examined and the efficiency of different
AS IT methods with combined forms of sensitization was tested.
Results. Patients with pollinosis had disruption in local immunity. slASIT increases slgA production in saliva.
Treatment with interfacing allergens is most effective in combined forms of sensitization.
Conclusion. The sensibilization to different kinds of pollen allergens was observed in 10- 15% of cases. Combined
forms of sensitization are much more common. Moreover, combined forms of sensitization to pollen and domestic
allergens predominate. Besides that, the study showed pollinosis patients have disruption of local immunity that
appeared in slgA deficit in oral cavity. Sublingual immunotherapy is the most effective method of treatment. In
case of combined forms of sensitization treatment with interfacing allergens is the most efficient.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2010;7(3):14-18

Medicated treatment for postnasal drip syndrome in allergic and non-allergic (vasomotor)rhinitis
Background. To study the efficiency of irrigation and topical corticosteroids in the treatment of patients with PNDS in allergic and non-allergic (vasomotor) rhinitis.
Methods. Two groups, twelve patients each, at the age of 16 till 65, with allergic and non-allergic rhinitis participated in the investigation. All patients have firstly undergone the irrigation therapy with isotonic marine solution, after that the course of intranasal corticosteroid therapy (ICST) with fluticason propionate was provided during 14 days.
Results. The levels of subjective sensations and objective symptoms were the same during and after the irrigation therapy in both groups (p>0,05). The reduction of subjective and objective symptoms was registered in both groups during ICST on the 14th day of treatment (p<0,01). Two weeks after, the reduction of symptoms was registered only in group of patients with allergic rhinitis (p<0,05).
Conclusion. The irrigation therapy doesn't lead to a considerable decreasing of PNDS symptoms level, while ICST are briefly effective and can be coursed used in periods of severe symptoms of PNDS.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2010;7(3):19-22

IgE-response to H. pylori in children with gastroduodenal diseases and allergy
Background. To evaluate the impact of atopic reactivity in humoral immune response to H. pylori in children with gastroduodenal diseases.
Materials and methods. In 69 children with gastroduodenal diseases and in 14 healthy people we revealed the total IgE level, IgM-, IgG-, IgA- and IgE-antibodies to H. pylori in serum samples, slgA in saliva and IgE- antibodies to H. pylori in supernatant samples of faeces with ELISA method.
Results. Chronic gastritis/gastroduodenitis in children with allergy are associated with a lower frequency of detection of IgG-and IgA- antibodies to H. pylori as well as with lower level of slgA and elevated levels of total IgE и IgE- antibodies to H. pylori in sera. Conversely, non-atopic patients showed high levels of slgA and high frequency of detection of IgA- antibodies to H. pylori. 60% of non-atopic children with gastroduodenal ulcers had elevated total IgE level, but IgE level to H. pylori was low as well as in healthy control group. IgE antibodies to H. pylori were detected in 95-100% of supernatant samples of faeces in all groups of patients with the highest level of IgE antibodies in children with gastroduodenal ulcers. It was revealed the direct correlation between the IgE antibodies to H. pylori level in serum and in supernatant samples of faeces in atopic children. Conclusion. The elevation of IgE antibodies to H. pylori is a result of constitutive Th2 immune response which reflects the mechanisms of mucosal immune defense independently from associated atopic diseases.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2010;7(3):24-29

New approaches in diagnostics of food allergy and effectiveness of dietotherapy in infants
In the article the modern approaches to diagnostics of food allergy with the focus on other thenlgE-related forms of gastrointestinal hypersensitivity in infants are described. The results of the own study on efficacy assessment of new diagnostic system - immune-enzyme assay «Lactest» for specific IgE and IgG levels against food allergens as well as proteins from baby food estimation in sera of infants are presented. Dietotherapy for infants with food allergy based on immune-enzyme assay «Lactest» is described.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2010;7(3):30-42

The order No. 60n «About the statement of medical care to the patients with allergic diseases associated with immunodeficiency»
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2010;7(3):49-60

Allergic rhinitis and it's impact on asthma (ARIA 2008) (Part 5)
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2010;7(3):61-67

Histafen antihistaminic and sedative effects in patients with chronic recurrent urticaria
The purposes of the study. The primary purpose was to show antihistaminic efficiency of Histafen in a daily doze of 150 mg per os within 14 days at patients with chronic urticaria (ChU) on an example of suppression of the skin reaction caused by histamin. The secondary purposes: To estimate a condition of microcirculation in the skin of patients with ChU during Histafen treatment and to confirm safety and absence of sedative effect of Histafen. Materials and methods of study. There were 20 adult patients (men and women) in the age from 18 to 55, with exacerbation of ChU included in the study; 20 healthy persons - as a control group. We made clinic and laboratory examination to all patients, including skin pricktitration with histamin, research of local microcirculation in a skin. Sedative effect estimated on the change of stability of attention by means of B. Burdon's proof test and volume of attention by Shulte tables.
Results. Histafen suppression of the skin urticaria and hyperemia which was caused by histamine in ChU patients was established: for 50% and 40% respectively. However these results are statistically doubtful - p=0,27 and p=0,18 respectively. The revealed changes of local microcirculation in the skin can testify to normalization of basal blood-groove parameters in skin of patients with ChU. Absence of sedative effect during of Histafen treatment was established: absence of statistically approved changes in parameters of volume of attention (p=0,6) and authentic improvement of stability of attention after the treatment (p=0,01) was noted. The conclusion. The study demonstrated high antihistaminic activity of Histafen, its safety and absence of sedative effect in patients with ChU.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2010;7(3):68-73

The effectiveness of a new intranasal steroid Avamys in seasonal allergic rhinitis
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2010;7(3):74-84

Cheritable Foundation «Vis Vitalis»
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2010;7(3):85-88

Congresses, Conferences
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2010;7(3):89-89

Instructions for Authors
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2010;7(3):90-94