Vol 14, No 1 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Published: 15.02.2017
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://rusalljournal.ru/raj/issue/view/23
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2017;14(1):3-4

Practical approaches to the identification of priority and competitive areas of applied medical research
Identification of the priorities and competitive areas of applied medical science is necessary for effective public funding of scientific research. The process of such identification should include the following steps: 1) cost of illness analysis; 2) search of evidence gaps; 3) analysis of landscape of national health economic studies. Methods to solve these problems are discussed in details in the article.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2017;14(1):5-15

Gomeopatiya i allergiya. Professional'nye debaty v zerkale dokazatel'noy meditsiny
At the present time there is no credible scientific evidence on the effectiveness of homeopathy in asthma, allergies and other diseases. In the available publications, Cochrane reviews, meta-analyzes of homeopathy effect comparable to placebo. From a scientific point of view, we did not receive an explanation mechanism of action of homeopathic dilutions of drugs, laid down in the concept of potentiation. In the light of the best available data to date there is no reason to include homeopathy in clinical guidelines for the treatment of patients with various diseases. To change the view of the value of homeopathic medicines need modern analytical methods, revealing the structure of the proposed pills and other medicines, and to study the true therapeutic homeopathy capabilities required to conduct comparative studies, clinical trials, appropriate medical science and made according to strict rules, adopted by the international medical community.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2017;14(1):16-23

Allergen-specific immunotherapy. Analytic review of current international and Russian federal position papers
The article analyses the international position papers devoted to allergen-specific immunotherapy published in recent years. It also describes in details Russian federal guidelines, published in the 2013-2016 years and dedicated to allergen-specific immunotherapy as a method of treatment of IgE-mediated allergic diseases, as well as Russian federal guidelines. Detailed understanding of indications, contraindications, and usage of AIT in various clinical situations are widely discussed.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2017;14(1):24-32

Fixed drug eruption in the practice of the allergist-immunologist
Fixed drug eruption is a type of allergic reaction to a medicine. The mechanism of this disease is delayed type of hypersensitivity. The spectrum of causative medicines can be variable. A careful history and drug provocation tests in vivo in most cases allow to make a diagnosis accurately and identify the offending drug allergen.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2017;14(1):36-40

Prevalence and risk factors of asthma-like symptoms and allergic diseases in preschool children
Objectives. To estimate the prevalence of current asthma-like symptoms and current allergic diseases among preschool children and to determine the risk factors. Materials and methods. Cross-sectional study included children aged 3-6 years. The study was conducted in 5 towns of Altai region. Prevalence of allergic diseases was assessed using the Russian version of the ISAAC questionnaire. Results. According to questionnaire the prevalence of current asthma-like symptoms was 11,1%, current allergic rhinoconjunctivitis - 7,5%, current atopic dermatitis -12,3%. Out of 3205 children asthma was diagnosed in 0,9%, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis - in 3%, atopic dermatitis - in 7,9%. Family history of allergic diseases increases risk of development of the current asthma-like symptoms twice (OR=2,11; 95% CI=1,66-2,68), current allergic rhinoconjunctivitis by 2,8 times (OR=2,85; 95% CI=2,16-3,75), current atopic dermatitis by 4,6 times (OR=4,62; 95% CI=3,69-5,77). The male sex increases risk of the development of current asthma-like symptoms by 2,6 times (OR=2,63; 95% CI=1,17-5,93), current allergic rhinoconjunctivitis by 1,3 times (OR=1,35; 95% CI=1,03-1,76), smoking of parents on the first year of life of the child increases risk of development of current asthma-like symptoms by 1,6 times (OR=1,61; 95% CI=1,15-2,24), breastfeeding duration less than 6 months increases the risk of development of current atopic dermatitis by 1,6 times (OR=1,62; 95% CI=1,26-2,09; p<0,05). Conclusion. The prevalence of current asthma-like symptoms and current allergic diseases considerably exceeds the prevalence of medically verified diagnosis. Family history of allergic diseases, male sex, smoking parents and the short duration of breastfeeding increase the risk of development of allergic diseases in preschool age.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2017;14(1):41-46

A case report of combination of asthma and allergic rhinitis caused by local household sensitization with a brief analysis of literature
Currently diagnosis of allergic diseases is based largely on results of skin tests and laboratory methods of quantification of total and specific immunoglobulins E in serum in addition to clinical and instrumental data. However, in recent years it has been showed that systemic atopy is not always registered with these methods and specific immunoglobulins E may not have diagnostic concentrations in serum that makes it difficult to diagnose allergic diseases. The article presents a clinical case of combination of asthma and allergic rhinitis caused by local IgE production with normal level of serum I-4, reduced levels of IgG1, IgG2 and serum and secretory IgA in child aged 3 years.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2017;14(1):47-53

Osobennosti proyavleniya perekrestnoy pishchevoy allergii v protsesse spetsificheskoy immunoterapii
Food allergy has a significant impact on the decline of the patients’ quality of life. Cross-reactive food allergy is manifested by different clinical symptoms in patients with pollinosis. Food allergy profile changing and food tolerance formation as a result of ASIT has been actively investigating. This article discusses the clinical cases of regressing of cross-reactive food allergy as a result of SLIT.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2017;14(1):60-66

Manko V.M. 85th Anniversary
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2017;14(1):67-68

Congresses, conferences
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2017;14(1):69-72