Vol 4, No 3 (2007)
- Year: 2007
- Published: 15.06.2007
- Articles: 16
- URL: https://rusalljournal.ru/raj/issue/view/8
Skin microflora in atopic dermatitis patients and treatment of it's complications
The digest is dedicated to the influence of skin microflora and secondary skin infections on atopic dermatitis clinical course. It covers the influence of St. aureus on allergic inflammation in atopic dermatitis. The digest shows the data of pyoderma clinical features and therapy solutions in patients with this disorder.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):3-11

Immunological and allergological aspects of macrolides application in clinic
The review analyzes clinical significance of immunotropic properties of macrolides. Macrolides have effect of phagocytic activity and cell motility, inhibit production of proinflammatory cytokines, increase antimicrobial function of mucosa epithelium. They significantly decrease the intensity of inflammatory reactions in local and systemic infectious processes, especially in respiratory tract pathology including that of allergic genesis. Efficacy of macrolides in bronchial asthma is extended by suppressing eosinophil functioning, antispastic effect of these preparations over smooth muscles and decreasing of mucus formation in bronchi.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):12-19

The level of free hemoglobin, eosinophilic cationic protein and eosinophils in nasal secret in patients with allergic and infectious rhinitis
Background. Allergic rhinitis manifestates as the local inflammation with minimum pathophysiological disorders.
Revealing of local inflammatory markers in nasal secret is actual problem.
The aim: to detect the levels of free hemoglobin, eosinophilic cationic protein and eosinophils in nasal secret in
patients with allergic rhinitis and infectious rhinitis.
Materials and methods. 60 patients with allergic rhinitis and 30 patients with infectious rhinitis were observed.
The diagnosis and severity of disease were rated in conformity with international standards.
Results. Mean level of free hemoglobin in patients with allergic rhinitis was significantly higher in comparison
with the group of infectious rhinitis and had compiled 55,9 mkg/ml and 6,1 mkg/ml. The quantity of eosinophils
more than 10% was observed in 43,9% of cases in patients with allergic rhinitis and in 11,1% in patients with
infectious rhinitis. Frequency of elevated level of eosinophilic cationic protein in patients with allergic rhinitis
has made 87,9%, in comparison with infectious rhinitis where it corresponded to 28%. The highest sensitivity
(87,9%) was found in method of definition of eosinophilic cationic protein. Method of free hemoglobin's
definition was characterized by high parameter of correct diagnosis's probability - 97,3%.
Conclusion. Methods of definition of eosinophilic cationic protein and free hemoglobin in nasal secret had
possessed with the highest diagnostic efficiency.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):20-24

The analysis of efficiency of international recommendations introduction on the treatment of a bronchial asthma on an outpatient basis
The purpose of the research: to study the clinic-economical efficiency of the program of observation the patients with a bronchial asthma (POPB) in the district polyclinic of the Central City Hospital №6 in Yekaterinburg. Materials and methods. The research was carried out in 2004-2005. The direct cost for the bronchial asthma (BA) treatment during a year before and a year after the POPB introduction was analyzed. The group under study (n=70; women - 41, men - 29, mean age - 52,6 year.) was formed by random selection of 164 asthmatics who were registered in 2005.
Results. The costs on dispensary drug therapy (43%) and hospital treatment (31%) have prevailed among the direct costs before the POPB introduction. The treatment of severe BA needed the maximum costs (1, 070 $ for one asthmatic in a year), the treatment of mild intermittent bronchial asthma needed minimal costs (37 $ for one asthmatic in a year). The costs of dispensary drug therapy increased to 72% and the costs of hospital treatment decreased 7% after a year of the POPB introduction. The decrease of the costs of mild intermittent bronchial asthma treatment (2.3 times) was observed comparing the severe ВА (1,2 times).
Conclusions. The direct costs of the BA treatment were 462$ for one asthmatic in a year. The POPB introduction brought to the reduction of direct costs 1,4 times (334$ for one asthmatics in a year) at the expense of the decrease the costs of hospitalization (6,5 times) and calls the emergency service (5.7 times). The denominated decrease of costs for mild intermittent bronchial asthma, by comparison the severe BA, was noted.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):25-29

Clinical and immunological evaluation of different variants of immunotherapy in patients with bacterial allergy
Цель работы. Изучить по клиническим и иммунологическим показателям лечебную эффективность различных видов аллерген-специфической иммунотерапии (АСИТ): АСИТ бактериальными аллергенами, АСИТ в сочетании с ликопидом и иммунотерапии препаратом «Рузам».
Материалы и методы. В исследование включено 110 больных аллергическими заболеваниями дыхательных путей (АЗДП) с бактериальной сенсибилизацией (аллергический ринит и аллергическая бронхиальная астма), из них - 42 получали АСИТ бактериальными аллергенами (1-я группа), 40 больных с вторичным иммунодефицитным состоянием пролечились ликопидом в сочетании с АСИТ (2-я группа) и 28 человек прошли 1 курс лечения препаратом «Рузам» (3-я группа). Иммунологическое обследование включало определение показателей клеточного иммунитета (маркеры CD3, CD4, CD8, CD 16), гуморального иммунитета (иммуноглобулины А, М, G, Е), цитокинов (интерферона-у, интерлейкинов-1; 2; 4; 6; 12). Результаты. Клиническая эффективность у больных 1-й группы составила 77,8%, у больных 2-й группы -92,1%, в 3-й группе - 74,8%. Иммунологические сдвиги включали изменения содержания клеток, несущих маркеры CD3, CD4 и CD16, а также содержание в крови интерферона-у, интерлейкинов-1, 2, 4, и 6. После лечения у больных 1- и 2-й групп снижалась кожная реактивность и аллергическое воспаление, чего не наблюдалось у больных 3-й группы.
Заключение. Самая высокая лечебная эффективность по данным клинического и иммунологического обследования отмечена при использовании комплексного метода иммунотерапии. Предварительное лечение ликопидом значительно снижало частоту побочных реакций, наблюдаемых при проведении АСИТ. Эти 2 метода в равной степени влияют на механизмы бактериальной аллергии, снижая кожную реактивность и аллергическое воспаление. Лечение препаратом «Рузам» оказалось менее эффективным и практически не обладало гипосенсибилизирующим действием.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):30-34

The role of pulmonary function test in bronchial asthma diagnostics
The review of the current position of pulmonary function test techniques, provocation and broncholitics tests. History, physical examination and dynamic pulmonary function check of patients with bronchial obstruction symptoms may clear differentiate asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases in the latent stage. The methods of dynamic asthma management and the control of therapy efficiency with the use of spirometry are submitted. In addition, the review contains new original methods of examining patients with aspirin exacerbated respiratory diseases.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):35-41

Family principles of children rehabilitation with atopic dermatitis
Background. Аn estimation of a family method efficiency of children rehabilitation with atopic dermatitis. Materials and methods. There were 88 families under medical survey where children with atopic dermatitis lived. These families were divided into two groups: the first group (basic) - 68 children who passed rehabilitation according to a family principle at the consulting center of family rehabilitation; the second group (control group) - 20 children, who improved their health with a traditional method. Catamnesis data was used as the methods of rehabilitation control of efficiency with an estimation of frequency and recurrences severity of the basic disease of SCORAD index change, numbers of references to the doctor in occasion of concomitant diseases were used. Results. The positive effect in dermatitis treatment was achieved at 66 among 68 patients (97,1%). 2-3 fold decrease of frequency of the recurrences was observed at 56 children (82,4%), decrease in the defeated area - at 53 children (77,9%). The positive effect was observed in 6 out of 20 children (30%) (p<0,05) in control group. Conclusion. Given data allow to make a conclusion, that the family approach to children rehabilitation with atopic dermatitis is the most effective form of health improvement.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):42-46

Basis of antihistamines use in atopic dermatitis
Histamin as allergic mediator that plays a role in allergic reactions and may contribute to impairment of atopic dermatitis. But antihistamines does not always lead to significant improvement of clinical symptoms of atopic dermatitis. In this review we discuss therapeutic options for the treatment with antihistamines in patients with atopic dermatitis.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):47-53

Pimecrolimus in pediatrics. Clinical experience
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):54-57

Asthma treatment improvement
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):58-62

Trial application of «Longidasa» in treatment a nasal polyposis
Изучение эффективности и безопасности лечения препаратом «Лонгидаза» полипоза носа.
Обследовано 15 больных полипозом носа в возрасте от 37 до 69 лет, 9 женщин, 6 мужчин. У всех больных полипоз был одним из симптомов астматической триады. Использовали клинические, лабораторные, функциональные и аллергологические методы исследования. Всем больным при осмотре проводилась эндоскопия носа. С целью лечения полипоза применяли препарат «Лонгидаза» в дозе 3000 ЕД, инъекции проводились в основание полипа. Курс лечения - 5 инъекций с интервалом в 4-7 дней. Эффективность лечения оценивалась при ЛОР-осмотре и по субъективной оценке пациентом. Безопасность лечения оценивалась по наличию или отсутствию аллергических реакций на введение лекарства или каких-либо иных нежелательных явлений.
У всех 15 больных отмечена эффективность проведенного лечения. Субъективное улучшение носового дыхания перед 2-й инъекцией отметил 1 человек, перед 3-й - 12 пациентов, к 4-й - остальные 2 пациента. При эндоскопии после проведенного лечения и через 1 мес после последней инъекции крупных полипов не выявлено ни в одном случае. В 3 случаях при риноскопии полипы не обнаруживались, у остальных больных - единичный мелкий односторонний полип (11 пациентов), в 1 случае -единичные мелкие полипы с обеих сторон. При контрольном осмотре через 3 мес после завершения лечения ни в одном случае не выявлено признаков роста полипов. У одного из пациентов через 4 мес, после перенесенной ОРВИ, при активном обращении больного, обнаружены крупные двусторонние полипы. Аллергических реакций и других нежелательных явлений ни у кого из пациентов не выявлено. Показаны высокая эффективность и безопасность предложенного метода лечения.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):63-69

Activated zinc pyrithione. Mechanism of action. Clinical application
Activated zinc pyrithione (ZP) has a number of contributory pharmacodynamic effects that provide it's efficacy in psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Because of ZP impairs the integrity of cell membranes it is active against many bacterial and yeast species. In psoriasis and atopic dermatitis ZP therapy is accompanied by accelerated cells' apoptosis of lower layers of epidermis and atopic inflammatory infiltrate as well as by decrease in skin neutrophils and lymphocytes. The broad spectrum of pharmacological activities together with wide clinical experience worldwide endorse activated ZP as effective and safe nonsteroidal medication for topical therapy of different dermatoses and support it's use in dermatology, paediatrics and allergy.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):70-75

Cheritable Foundation «Vis Vitalis»
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):76-80

Congresses, Conferences
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):81-82

Professionals, vote against allergy!
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):83-83

Instructions for Authors
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2007;4(3):85-86