Vol 12, No 1 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Published: 15.02.2015
- Articles: 13
- URL: https://rusalljournal.ru/raj/issue/view/34
Characteristics of immune response and role of cytokines in atopic dermatitis
AD is a multifactorial disease, which is based on genetic disorders, immune mechanisms and influence of exogenous and endogenous factors. Study of immunopathogenesis of atopic dermatitis, it’s specific biomarkers, triggers is very important for understanding of causes and mechanisms of the disease as well as for developing of new methods of treatment. The review describes the current views on the immune response in AD.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(1):3-14

Sputum characteristics and evaluation of airways inflammation peculiarities in patients with bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Background. The aim of the study was to investigate cellular phenotypes of the spontaneous sputum, estimate possibilities of cytological sputum analysis in evaluation of airways inflammation peculiarities in comparison with the expired nitric oxide level and respiratory function tests. Materials and methods. functional properties of neutrophils were evaluated by respiratory burst intensity. 72 patients were included, 23 - with moderate bronchial asthma course and chronic bronchitis, 18 - with moderate bronchial asthma and COPD, 31 patient had COPD only. All patients were examined in the exacerbation period, all of them had productive cough. Results. Cytological phenotypes were stated as well as the links between different sputum cells presence and between cytological peculiarities, inflammation and functional state of the respiratory system. Functional defects of neutrophils were found in COPD patients.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(1):15-26

Optimal drugs concentrations and doses for allergological diagnostics of perioperative drugs hypersensitivity reactions
Background. The study aimed to develop the optimal concentration and doses of drugs for examination of perioperative drug’s hypersensitivity reactions. Methods. The protocol of allergological examination included clinical, laboratory methods and tests in vivo: skin tests (prick-, intradermal, patch- test) with neuromuscular blockers, opioids, radiocontrast medias, colloids, hypnotics; patch-test with povidon-iodine, chlorhexidine; dosing provocative test (including investigation of blood, nasal secretion eosinophilia, serum tryptase measurements) with antibiotics, nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs, local anesthetics. 20 healthy volunteers were included in the study during 2 years (2010-2012) for estimating of the doses and concentrations of testing drugs. Results. Non irritating concentrations for skin tests (prick- and intradermal) with perioperative drugs have been estimated on healthy controls. No one of healthy controls had false positive tests and nonspecific histamine-release effects while testing in vivo. Increased tryptase level 1 h after and the level of blood eosinophilia and eosinophiliaof nasal secretion 6 hours after dosing provocation test with each drug were found to be statistically insignificant. Conclusions. Optimal concentrations and doses of drugs for allergological examination of perioperative drug’s hypersensitivity reactions were estimated.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(1):27-33

Features of the cytokine profile in humoral primary immunodeficiency patients
The results of cytokines serum levels in patients with infectious and autoimmune phenotypes of X-linked agammaglobulinemia (X-AGG) and common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) are presented. In patients with varying nature of the primary agammaglobulinemia similar cytokine changes were estimated.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(1):34-37

Federal clinical recommendations for primary immunodeficiencies in adults: prerequisites, problems, solutions
Clinical recommendations (CR) - is a consensus for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with certain nosology, created by experts in various fields of medicine based on the experience of experts, and data from multicenter trails. CR optimize patient management, minimizing the risk of medical error. CR of a particular importance are CR for the rare diseases, because the majority of doctors lack of experience. One of the illustrations of such rare diseases are primary immunodeficiencies (PID). Owing to the development of fundamental immunology, diagnostic and therapeutic options, these patients may survive to adulthood, so this problem has gone beyond the field of pediatricians. Now the probability to meet such patients is much higher for many doctors of different specialities. The paper discusses the problem of PID in Russia, the challenges of creating a CR on this disease and the ways of their solution.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(1):38-42

ACE and PLA2G7genes expression in children with a history of food anaphylaxis
Background. The aim of this study was to evaluate transcriptional activity of PLA2G7 (platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase) and ACE (аngiotensin-сonverting enzyme) genes in patients with a history of anaphylaxis. Methods. 97 children were enrolled in the study: 27 children with a history of food anaphylaxis; 35 children with atopic dermatitis; 35 children without allergic diseases: 26 children were IgE-negative, 9 children were IgE-positive («Phadia 100»; «Phadia AB», Sweden). RNA was extracted from blood samples with Trizol RNA Prep kits («Isogen», Russia). cDNA production was performed with MMLV RT kit («Evrogen», Russia). Real-time PCR was held with CFX-96 device («Bio-Rad», USA) and qPCRmix-HS PCR mix («Evrogen», Russia). Oligonucleotide primers and probes were synthesized at «DNK-Sintez» (Russia). Results. In children with a history of food anaphylaxis decrease in PLA2G7 gene expression was detected comparing to control groups (p<0,05). Transcriptional activity of PLA2G7 and detection rate of ACE gene expression were lower in children with moderate/severe anaphylaxis comparing with mild anaphylaxis children (p<0,05). The study revealed relationship of PLA2G7 and ACE gene expression and clinical features of anaphylaxis. Conclusion. Reduction of blood cells PLA2G7 and ACE mRNA levels in children with a history of food anaphylaxis may be considered to be a biomarker of severe anaphylaxis.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(1):43-48

Efficiency of montelukast in control of atopic diseases at children of preschool age
The aim of study. To estimate clinical efficiency of the antagonist of the leukotriiene receptors - montelukast in control of atopic diseases at children of preschool age. Materials and methods. Open randomized comparative study of clinical efficiency of montelukast in parallel groups of children of preschool age having atopic diseases was conducted. Results. Inclusion of montelukast (singular) in basic therapy of children of preschool age, having atopic diseases, allowed to decrease the number of exacerbations of a bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis and as well as the necessity of «emergency aid», when a dose of topical glucocorticosteroids reduced 1,9 times. Conclusion. Montelukast treatment showed high clinical efficiency and allowed to control symptoms of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma, when it was included in the basic therapy of atopic diseases at children of preschool age.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(1):49-52

Fenkarol - the first nonsedative antihistamine for parenteral administration
In the pathogenesis of various diseases histamine performs an important role relating to one of the most important mediators involved in the regulation of vital functions in the body. Histamine plays a key role in the development of allergic diseases and pseudoallergic reactions. Therefore, in clinical practice, of particular interest are drugs that block the effects of histamine - antihistamines. The lecture highlights mechanisms of action of histamine and indications for antihistamines. Particular attention is given to parenteral forms of antihistamines and benefits of a new form of antihistamines for parenteral use without sedation - fenkarol one of quinuclidine derivatives. Features and advantages of antihistamines - quinuclidine derivatives, first developed in Laboratory of academician M.D. Mashkovsky are presented.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(1):54-59

Experience with the carbamylated monomeric allergoid Lais® for sublingual immunotherapy in patients with grass pollen or mite-induced allergic rhinoconjunctivitis
The article presents the results of a prospective noncomparative study of carbamylated monomeric allergoid Lais ® for sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) in patients with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis caused by pollen grasses. We suggest that SLIT using Lais ® sublingual tablets is an effective and well-tolerated method of treatment.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(1):60-64

Immunological biomarkers changes during diet therapy in children with food allergy
Immunological estimating of different diet therapy types became currently very important. The aim of this work was to study the changes of immunological biomarkers during usage of formulas based on different sources of protein in children with food allergy and to assess and predict the effectiveness of diet therapy. The study included 66 children with food allergy in age from 1,5 months to 1,5 years. Observed children were divided into three groups depending on the type of formulas used. The dynamics of immunoregulatory substances (IL-5, TGF β 1, IL-10, IL-4, IL-2, IL-13, Eotaxin3), and allergenspecific IgE and IgG antibodies to cow’s milk protein, α-lactoglobulin, β-laktoglobulin, casein, soy and goat’s milk during diet therapy were evaluated. Observation duration was 28-30 days. The differences in the dynamics of the investigated parameters depending on the type of formula were revealed. Thus, the use of formula based on cow’s milk hydrolysates revealed their primarily effect on cytokines IL-2, IL-5 and growth factor TGF β ; the use of formula based on soy protein revealed combined effect on humoral immunity (allergen specific IgE and IgG antibodies) and IL-5; the use of formula based on goat milk characterized decreased levels of allergenspecific IgG antibodies to the cow’s milk protein and its fractions, reduced allergen specific IgE antibody concentrations to cow’s milk protein and α-lactoglobulin, decreased levels of IL-5, and, exclusive for this formula - reduction of IL-4 level. Accordingly, the assessment of immunological biomarkers can be used to personalize diet therapy in children with food allergy.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(1):73-78

Revaz Sepiashvili 60 th anniversary
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(1):80-83

Congresses, Conferences
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(1):84-87