Specific subcutaneus immunotherapy by a birch extract absorbed onto calcium phosphate
- Authors: Mokronosova MA1, Korovkina ES1
- Mechnikov's Research Institute for vaccines and sera
- Issue: Vol 7, No 4 (2010)
- Pages: 79-84
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 10.03.2020
- Published: 15.12.2009
- URL: https://rusalljournal.ru/raj/article/view/915
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.36691/RJA915
- ID: 915
Cite item
Background. Allergic rhinitis is a common disease, affecting 25-35% of the population. Birch pollen is a significant cause of immediate
hypersensitivity among sensitive subjects, affecting about 80% of the population in the central part of Russian Federation. Specific
subcutaneus immunotherapy (SCIT) is the only treatment producing lasting clinical improvement in patients with allergy.
The aim, of the study was to investigate the efficacy of one - year SCIT for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis for birch pollen using the
Average Rhinoconjunctivitis Total Symptom Score (ARTSS) and Average Rescue Medication Score (ARMS).
Materials and methods. 54 subjects with IgE-mediated seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis with/without seasonal asthma were
enrolled; 47 patients with pollen allergy were included in a control group. All patients were sensitized to birch pollen-allergens.
SCIT was performed during 9 months 2009-2010 years by a birch extract standardized in IR and absorbed onto calcium phosphate
(Phostal, France). Patients were asked to complete diary during the birch pollination season (from 1 April to 1 June). Pollen grains
were counted daily during the pollen seasons by standardized protocol and the amount of pollen was expressed as the number of
pollen grains/m3 air. The ARTSS was derived from individual symptom scores for nasal and eye symptoms during the pollen season.
In addition there was a daily score for the use of rescue medication (ARMS). Rescue medication allowed included Hl-antihistamines,
nasal steroids, oral steroids; each puff, drop (nostril/eye), tablet counted as one point.
Results. The seasonal pollen counts and the duration of the pollen season had differed in 2009 and in 2010. Reduction in ARTSS of
29% and decrease in ARMS of 28,9% were found in the birch pollen season for subjects treated with the SCIT compared with controls
after one year of treatment. The immunotherapy after the end of the treatment was not effective in 3 patients (5%).
Conclusion. Immunotherapy by Phostal shows clinical effect on development of seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis. The decrease in ARTSS
for Phostal-treated patients that occurred in parallel with a marked reduction in their requirement for ARMS provides additional
evidence for the efficacy of SCIT over and above usual pharmacotherapy for rhinitis.
hypersensitivity among sensitive subjects, affecting about 80% of the population in the central part of Russian Federation. Specific
subcutaneus immunotherapy (SCIT) is the only treatment producing lasting clinical improvement in patients with allergy.
The aim, of the study was to investigate the efficacy of one - year SCIT for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis for birch pollen using the
Average Rhinoconjunctivitis Total Symptom Score (ARTSS) and Average Rescue Medication Score (ARMS).
Materials and methods. 54 subjects with IgE-mediated seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis with/without seasonal asthma were
enrolled; 47 patients with pollen allergy were included in a control group. All patients were sensitized to birch pollen-allergens.
SCIT was performed during 9 months 2009-2010 years by a birch extract standardized in IR and absorbed onto calcium phosphate
(Phostal, France). Patients were asked to complete diary during the birch pollination season (from 1 April to 1 June). Pollen grains
were counted daily during the pollen seasons by standardized protocol and the amount of pollen was expressed as the number of
pollen grains/m3 air. The ARTSS was derived from individual symptom scores for nasal and eye symptoms during the pollen season.
In addition there was a daily score for the use of rescue medication (ARMS). Rescue medication allowed included Hl-antihistamines,
nasal steroids, oral steroids; each puff, drop (nostril/eye), tablet counted as one point.
Results. The seasonal pollen counts and the duration of the pollen season had differed in 2009 and in 2010. Reduction in ARTSS of
29% and decrease in ARMS of 28,9% were found in the birch pollen season for subjects treated with the SCIT compared with controls
after one year of treatment. The immunotherapy after the end of the treatment was not effective in 3 patients (5%).
Conclusion. Immunotherapy by Phostal shows clinical effect on development of seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis. The decrease in ARTSS
for Phostal-treated patients that occurred in parallel with a marked reduction in their requirement for ARMS provides additional
evidence for the efficacy of SCIT over and above usual pharmacotherapy for rhinitis.
About the authors
M A Mokronosova
Mechnikov's Research Institute for vaccines and sera
Email: mmokronosova@mail.ru
Mechnikov's Research Institute for vaccines and sera
E S Korovkina
Mechnikov's Research Institute for vaccines and seraMechnikov's Research Institute for vaccines and sera
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Supplementary files