The effectiveness of sanatorium and health resort treatment of bronchial asthma patients in the South coast of Crimea depending on the evergreen cypress’s blossoming period

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Background. To study the influence of evergreen cypress blossoming period on the effectiveness of sanatorium and health resort treatment (HRT) of bronchial asthma (BA) patients in the South Coast of Crimea (SCC). Methods. The analysis of the data of 71 patients with BA, the residents of the Crimea was conducted. The survey of BA patients included the questioning, medical observation, physical examination, complete blood count, sputum cytology, lung function examination, motor (physical) abilities by 6 minute steptype test and quality of life. Results. Aeropalinological measurement in the SCC (Yalta) showed that the evergreen cypress’s blossoming period is continuing from February to April inclusive. The highest concentrations of cypress pollen were registered in March and in the first half of April. Efficiency of HRT of BA patients in the SCC did not depend on the pollen season of evergreen cypress. Conclusion. Pollen season of evergreen cypress (February - April inclusive) is not a contraindication for HRT of BA patients in the SCC.

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About the authors

S N Belyaeva

State budget Crimean Republican Institution «Academy Scientific Research Institute of Physical Therapies and Medical Climatology named after I.M. Sechenov»

V M Savchenko

Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University


M I Govorun

State budget Crimean Republican Institution «Academy Scientific Research Institute of Physical Therapies and Medical Climatology named after I.M. Sechenov»

M E Pirogova

State budget Crimean Republican Institution «Academy Scientific Research Institute of Physical Therapies and Medical Climatology named after I.M. Sechenov»


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