Vol 13, No 2 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Published: 15.04.2016
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://rusalljournal.ru/raj/issue/view/27
Asthma induced by physical effort - the problem of a large sports and not only

Modern view on immunopathogenesis of asthma

The compensatory reactions of the immune system in patients with a defect of antibodies synthesis - agammaglobulinemia

Eosinophilic esophagitis and allergic rhinitis with sensitization to indoor allergens as a comorbid diseases

Urticaria is not a sentence. The clinical cases

Predictive model of development of atopic dermatitis in children

VDR gene polymorphism in children with allergic diseases
Background. To investigate the frequency of vitamin receptor gene D (VDR) polymorphism in children with allergic diseases. Materials and methods. We enrolled 130 children (66 boys and 64 girls) with allergic diseases aged from 1,5 to 16 years old. All children underwent clinical and allergological examination. 93 children (71,5%) had isolated allergy, mainly food allergy and atopic dermatitis, 37 children (28,4%) had bronchial asthma, associated with allergic rhinitis and urticaria. The control group included 41 healthy children aged from 1 to 10 years old. For DNA allotment the kit «ProbaRapid Genetics» of «DNA Technology» (Russia) was used. Analysis of polymorphic marker FokI (rs 2228570), BsmI (rs 1544410) and TaqI (rs 731236) of VDR gene was performed by PCR in real time using the detecting thermocycler DT-96, and kits for DNA diagnostics company «DNA technology» (Russia). Research metabolite 25-OH (25-hydroxyvitamin D2 and D3) of vitamin D was carried out by ELISA commercial kit «DIAsource» (Belgium). Results. Significantly increased frequency of allele A in the VDR gene BsmI site (OR=1,81, p=0,04) and homozygous A/A, heterozygous G/A genotype (OR=2,03, p=0,05 and OR=1,8, p=0,05, respectively) was found, that enables to consider it as a prognostic marker associated with the development of allergic disease risk. Statistically significant reduction in the concentration of 25-OH-vitamin D (p=0,02) in children with the heterozygous variant A/G and homozygous G/G in Fok1 VDR gene was found. Conclusion. There were significant differences in frequencies of genotypes and alleles of DVR gene in children with allergic diseases in the population. These results create the preconditions for the development of new methods of prevention of vitamin D deficiency, taking into account the individual characteristics of its metabolism.

Allergic rhinitis is a seasonal trouble and off-seasonal problem

Efficacy and safety of montelukast in patients with asthma and allergic rhinitis in routine clinical practice: results of a prospective multicenter observational program

The effectiveness of intranasal corticosteroids and antihistamines combination - mometasone furoate and azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray in adults with seasonal allergic rhinitis (The results of clinical trial)

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