Prenatal risk factors of atopic dermatitis inchildren and possibilities of their correction in antepartum period
- Authors: Denisova SN1, Sentsova TB2, Belitskaya MY.1
- Moscow Health Department Consulting unit for Nutrition of healthy and Sick Child
- Scientific Research Institute for Nutrition Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Rey words: atopic dermatitis, pregnant women, dietotherapy, children
- Issue: Vol 7, No 5 (2010)
- Pages: 113-120
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 10.03.2020
- Published: 15.12.2009
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 951
Cite item
About the authors
S N Denisova
Moscow Health Department Consulting unit for Nutrition of healthy and Sick Child
Moscow Health Department Consulting unit for Nutrition of healthy and Sick Child
T B Sentsova
Scientific Research Institute for Nutrition Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Rey words: atopic dermatitis, pregnant women, dietotherapy, childrenScientific Research Institute for Nutrition Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Rey words: atopic dermatitis, pregnant women, dietotherapy, children
M Yu Belitskaya
Moscow Health Department Consulting unit for Nutrition of healthy and Sick ChildMoscow Health Department Consulting unit for Nutrition of healthy and Sick Child
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