Assessment of antimicrobial peptides(alpha-defensins) in atopic dermatitis and pyodermia patients blood
- Authors: Tsyvkina EA1, Fedenko ES1, Budikhina AS1, Pinegin BV1
- Institute of Immunology
- Issue: Vol 7, No 5 (2010)
- Pages: 43-47
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 10.03.2020
- Published: 15.12.2009
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 887
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Materials and methods. 27 patients with atopic dermatitis, 31 patients with pyodermia in comparison with 17 healthy donors were investigated. Intracellular alpha-defensin levels in neutrophils in the peripheral blood were estimated by flow cytometry with mouse anti-HNP-antibodies (Hy cult biotechnology).
Results. The alpha-defensins level in patients with atopic dermatitis and pyodermia was reduced in comparison with healthy donors. More expressed decrease of alpha-defensins level was obtained in patients with pyodermia and sever atopic dermatitis with skin infection.
Conclusion. Thus, a decrease of alpha-defensins levels in atopic dermatitis and pyodermia patients, possibly, is a marker of the chronic bacterial inflammation and may cause chronic bacterial skin disease, St. aureus colonizations and tolerance to the therapy.
About the authors
E A Tsyvkina
Institute of Immunology
Institute of Immunology
E S Fedenko
Institute of ImmunologyInstitute of Immunology
A S Budikhina
Institute of ImmunologyInstitute of Immunology
B V Pinegin
Institute of ImmunologyInstitute of Immunology
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