Features of clinical manifestations of allergic diseases in children sensitized to potatoes
- Authors: Konyukova NG1, Pampura AN1, Fedenko ES1, Khavkin AI1, Okuneva TS1, Konjukova NG2, Pampura AN2, Fedenko ES3, Havkin AI2, Okuneva TS2
- Moscow Research Institute of Pediatric and Child Surgery
- Institute of Immunology
- Issue: Vol 8, No 4 (2011)
- Pages: 55-61
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 10.03.2020
- Published: 15.12.2011
- URL: https://rusalljournal.ru/raj/article/view/849
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.36691/RJA849
- ID: 849
Cite item
children with IgE-mediated sensitization to potato.
Methods. allergy tests (skin prick tests and / or the determination of specific IgE in serum by ImmunoCap, Phadia
was performed in 171 children with allergic diseases, who had sensitization to food plant proteins.
Results. sensitization to the potato found in 134 children. significant discrepancies (36%) in the results of in vitro
and in vivo tests to the potatoes were shown. sensitization to the potatoes is more common in patients with atopic
dermatitis (ad), especially in severe disease. among children with the level of specific IgE antibodies to potato
≥2 kUa / l there were more common patients with severe ad. the correlation between the level of specific IgE
antibodies to the potatoes and some of food plant proteins was found. the relationship between the concentration
of specific IgE to the potatoes and Bet v 2 was not detected.
Conclusion. the presence and concentration of specific IgE to the potatoes to a certain extent associated with
clinical manifestations of ad. the data obtained substantiate the determination of specific IgE antibodies to
potato in children with ad, especially in severe cases.
About the authors
N G Konyukova
A N Pampura
Email: apampura@pedklin.ru
E S Fedenko
A I Khavkin
T S Okuneva
N G Konjukova
Moscow Research Institute of Pediatric and Child SurgeryMoscow Research Institute of Pediatric and Child Surgery
A N Pampura
Moscow Research Institute of Pediatric and Child SurgeryMoscow Research Institute of Pediatric and Child Surgery
E S Fedenko
Institute of ImmunologyInstitute of Immunology
A I Havkin
Moscow Research Institute of Pediatric and Child SurgeryMoscow Research Institute of Pediatric and Child Surgery
T S Okuneva
Moscow Research Institute of Pediatric and Child SurgeryMoscow Research Institute of Pediatric and Child Surgery
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