Efficien cy of Aminoacid Formula in dietotherapyof food allergy in children : clinical eviden ces
- Authors: Taran NN1, Filatova TA1, Lavrova TE1, Taran NN2, Filatova ТА3, Lavrova ТЕ2
- Institute of Nutrition RAMS
- N. Filatov Moscow Children's Hospital № 13
- Issue: Vol 8, No 5 (2011)
- Pages: 45-50
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 10.03.2020
- Published:
- URL: https://rusalljournal.ru/raj/article/view/801
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.36691/RJA801
- ID: 801
Cite item
protein (CMP ) allergy may have one or several of the following symptoms: skin rash or gastrointestinal symptoms
(abdominal pain or cramps, vomiting or diarrhea). The symptoms can be controlled through a dairy-free diet. So
the diagnosis and elimination of CMP is an essential element in management of children with CM A. This article
provides a summary of extensive clinical research behind the Nutrilon Aminoacid, demonstrating the clinical
efficacy through 25 years of experience.
About the authors
N N Taran
Email: prnt@mail.ru
T A Filatova
T E Lavrova
N N Taran
Institute of Nutrition RAMSInstitute of Nutrition RAMS
Т А Filatova
N. Filatov Moscow Children's Hospital № 13N. Filatov Moscow Children's Hospital № 13
Т Е Lavrova
Institute of Nutrition RAMSInstitute of Nutrition RAMS
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