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Subcutaneous allergenspecific immunotherapy weakens the symptoms of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and bronchial asthma. However, there exists the risk of local reactions emergence, as well as the threat of the dangerous anaphylactic reactions. Background. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the frequency and severity of the side-effects and to assess the patients’ compliance with subcutaneous allergenspecific immunotherapy, which uses the tree pollen allergen absorbed onto the calcium phosphate suspension. Methods. The study included 21 children at the age from 5 to 17 with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis with the sensibilization to the allergens of the tree pollen (birch, alder, hazel). The patients had been receiving the treatment with the tree pollen allergen absorbed onto the calcium phosphates suspension for 2 years. All cases of systemic and local side-effects, which appeared during the study, have been analised. Results. In 86% of cases (18 out of 21 patients) local reactions were found. During the study, the total number of injections was 740 with 169 cases of local reactions, which constitutes 22,6% of all injections. In 14,3 percent of cases only slight reactions have appeared. However, 8,3% of injections resulted in pronounced reactions. No systemic reactions were observed; neither of patients has refused to get treatment due to the side-effects. Conclusion. The results of the study have shown the high level of compliance and safety of the subcutaneous allergenspecific immunotherapy, which is based on the use of the tree pollen allergen absorbed onto the calcium phosphate suspension.

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About the authors

N V Shakhova

Altai State Medical University


V V Gordeev

Altai State Medical University

N K Bishevskaya

Altai State Medical University

T S Ardatova

Altai State Medical University

V P Tokarev

City clinical children's hospital No. 7, Barnaul

S S Kharchenko

City clinical children's hospital No. 7, Barnaul


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