Influence of sublingual allergen-specific immunotherapy on dynamics of immunological parameters in patients with pollinosis

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Background. To study the influence of sublingual allergen-specific immunotherapy (slASIT) on dynamics of immunologic parameters in patients with pollinosis.
Materials and methods. 40 healthy persons and 25 pollinosis patients received slASIT course with mixt of autumn grasses allergen. IgA, IgM, IgG, IgE antibodies, slgA, albumin in saliva and IgA, IgM, IgG, IgE antibodies, total IgE, IFN-γ, IL-4 in serum were investigated.
Results. Patients with pollinosis have infringements of both local and general immunity. SlASIT changes a profile of cytokines aside Th-1, stimulates formation of the secretory allergen-specific antibodies, reduces IgE antibodies in saliva.
Conclusion. SlASIT is a highly effective method of allergic diseases treatment and it induces B-cellular and T-cellular tolerance.


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