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The aim of this study was to reveal most clinically effective and economically expedient anti-H 1-receptor antagonist cetirizine generation (original or generic), to carry out the analysis of pharmaceutical equivalence of cetirizine generation anti-H-receptor antagonists manufactured by different companies. Materials and methods. Study is executed in design of simple open comparative prospective randomized research in parallel groups. The preliminary analysis of volume and structure of H-antihistamine cetirizine generation products retails for the purpose of definition of the most widespread trademarks was carried out 117 patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU) treated with various trademarks cetirizine 10 mg/day within 4 weeks were included in the study. Clinical efficiency criteria: dynamics of urticaria symptoms, change of index severity, remission period, days free from CIU symptoms. The pharmaceutical analysis included comparative studying of rate of dissolution and quantitative identification of medicinal substance. The pharmacoeconomic analysis was done by an «expense-efficiency» method. Results. All investigated drugs of cetirizine in a dose of 10 mg dayly significantly (p<0,001) reduced CIU symptoms. In mild CIU clinical efficiency of original and generic drugs had no significant differences but in severe CIU showed obvious superiority of an original drug (p<0,01). The greatest quantity of the patients reached pharmacological remission, received Zirtec and Cetrine. Coincidence of dissolution profiles with criteria of similarity for Zirtec, Cetrine and Parlazine and rate of substance liberation for Zirtec and Cetrine explained rapidity of achievement of therapeutic effect of investigated preparations. The best results from the point of view of economic efficiency were shown with Cetrine therapy. Use of original Zirtec was more expensive, but also more effective. Discussion. Results of the study demonstrated clinical efficiency of cetirizine family products belonged to different manufacturers depending on their bioavailability which had the following rating of efficiency: Cetrine > Parlazine > Cetirizine-Hexal > Zodak.

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About the authors

E E Nekrasova

Volgograd State medical university


A V Ponomareva

Volgograd State medical university


T G Fedoskova

Institute of immunology

Email: tatger@mail.ru
Moscow, Russia


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