Сoncomitant conditions in children’s clinical allergist practice. Difficult patients
- Authors: Revyakina VA1, Shekhetov AA1, Kiseleva MA1, Larkova IA1, Kuvshinova ED1, Shavkina MI1, Mukhortykh VA1
- Federal Research Centre of Nutrition and Biotechnology
- Issue: Vol 13, No 3 (2016)
- Pages: 35-40
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 10.03.2020
- Published: 15.12.2016
- URL: https://rusalljournal.ru/raj/article/view/368
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.36691/RJA368
- ID: 368
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About the authors
V A Revyakina
Federal Research Centre of Nutrition and Biotechnology
Email: 5356797@mail.ru
Moscow, Russia
A A Shekhetov
Federal Research Centre of Nutrition and BiotechnologyMoscow, Russia
M A Kiseleva
Federal Research Centre of Nutrition and BiotechnologyMoscow, Russia
I A Larkova
Federal Research Centre of Nutrition and BiotechnologyMoscow, Russia
E D Kuvshinova
Federal Research Centre of Nutrition and BiotechnologyMoscow, Russia
M I Shavkina
Federal Research Centre of Nutrition and BiotechnologyMoscow, Russia
V A Mukhortykh
Federal Research Centre of Nutrition and BiotechnologyMoscow, Russia
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