Clinical efficacy of modern emollients in atopic dermatitis: case report
- Authors: Smolnikov EV1, Litovkina AO1, Elisyutina OG1, Fedenko ES1
- NRC Institute of Immunology FMBA of Russia
- Issue: Vol 15, No 4 (2018)
- Pages: 76-82
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 10.03.2020
- Published: 15.12.2018
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 139
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About the authors
E V Smolnikov
NRC Institute of Immunology FMBA of Russia
A O Litovkina
NRC Institute of Immunology FMBA of Russia
O G Elisyutina
NRC Institute of Immunology FMBA of Russia
E S Fedenko
NRC Institute of Immunology FMBA of Russia
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