Clinical manifestations of atopic dermatitis and diagnostically meaningful indicators monitoring of immune status parameters in children with a confirmed diagnosis of HIV infection at abackground of highly active antiretroviral therapy
- Authors: Pronin AY.1, Serkov IL1, Kaminskiy GD1, Lebedeva NN1, Smirnov EV1, Drobyshevskaya EV1, Gudima GO1, Sidorovich IG1, Pronin AJ.1, Serkov IE1, Kaminskiy GD1, Lebedeva NN1, Smirnov EV1, Drobishevskaya EV1, Gudima GO1, Sidorovich IG1
- Issue: Vol 6, No 4 (2009)
- Pages: 67-71
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 10.03.2020
- Published: 15.12.2009
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1070
Cite item
Methods. During the period from 1998 to 2008 among children in the check-up at the Moscow Regional Center of AIDS with a confirmed diagnosis of HIV infection in the formation of a group of 26 children, who retrospectively analyzed the clinical and immunological characteristics. To study the dynamics of changes in clinical manifestations of atopic dermatitis on the background of HAART, analyzed the quantitative indicators of CD4 + T-lymphocytes and assessed the changes in viral load.
Results. As of 01.01.2009 years in the Moscow region reported 224 children with HIV infection, of whom 111 are under HAART children. Of the children in the HAART, 26 children (29%) to destination therapy have pronounced symptoms of atopic dermatitis (AD). All children of the group was appointed by HAART in accordance with accepted standards. Laboratory indices and clinical manifestations of AD were recorded before HAART and after 9 months after initiation of therapy. According to the results of clinical observations in the survey group of patients in 20 children (77%) 9 months after the appointment of HAART AD symptoms disappeared completely, while 5 children (19%) noted a clear improvement. Only one HIV-infected child (4%) AD was recurrent in nature. Analysis of laboratory data showed that prior to the start of HAART, quantitative indicators of CD4 + T-lymphocytes in children from this group (n = 26) was 23,69 ±4,24 per cent of the total number of lymphocytes. As a result of HAART, the proportion of CD4 + T lymphocytes increased to 29,35±2,61%. When comparing the results of the quantification of HIV RNA in plasma observed decrease in the value decimal logarithm of viral load from 5,22 ±0,21 to 1,54 ±0,71.
Conclusions. Highly active antiretroviral therapy of HIV-infected children leads to a cessation of manifestation of AD not giving in to conventional therapy. This effect is realized against the background of the normalization of the indicators of CD4 + T-lymphocytes and reduction in viral load to not defined level.
About the authors
A Yu Pronin
I L Serkov
G D Kaminskiy
N N Lebedeva
E V Smirnov
E V Drobyshevskaya
G O Gudima
I G Sidorovich
A Ju Pronin
I E Serkov
G D Kaminskiy
N N Lebedeva
E V Smirnov
E V Drobishevskaya
G O Gudima
I G Sidorovich
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