Age dependence on the clinical signs frequency of the immune system dysfunction amongthe personnel of Mountain-chemical plant in Krasnoyarsk region, according to monitoringin2007-2008
- Authors: Vasil'ev AA1, Oradovskaya IV1, Mel'nikov GY.1, Feoktistov VV1, Vikulov GK.1, Mansurova Y.G1, Kalashnikova NE1, Skripkina LE1, Trikman OP1, Vasiliev AA1, Oradovsraya lV1, Melnikov GY1, Feoktistov VV1, Vikulov GC.1, Mansurova Y.G1, Kalashnikova NE1, Skripkina LE1, Trickman OP1
- Issue: Vol 6, No 4 (2009)
- Pages: 22-33
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 10.03.2020
- Published: 15.12.2009
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1036
Cite item
Results. The general frequency of clinical symptoms of dysfunction of immune system in MCP personnel had no significant differences between age groups but in all groups of the personnel at the age of 30-60 years was significantly lower, in comparison with the population (p<0,05). Significantly lower was the frequency of ENT infections - at the age of 50 years and more senior, frequent ARVI in age groups 30-49 years old, a simple herpes in 40-49 years (p<0,05). Frequency of recurrent urticaria at the age before 30 years and 50-59 years was lower. At the age of 30-39 years frequency of atopic bronchial asthma was lower.
Conclusion. Differences in age dynamics of frequency of occurrence of clinical symptoms of immune dysfunction between the personnel and the population are established.
About the authors
A A Vasil'ev
I V Oradovskaya
G Ya Mel'nikov
V V Feoktistov
G Kh Vikulov
Yu G Mansurova
N E Kalashnikova
L E Skripkina
O P Trikman
A A Vasiliev
l V Oradovsraya
G Y Melnikov
V V Feoktistov
G Ch Vikulov
Yu G Mansurova
N E Kalashnikova
L E Skripkina
O P Trickman
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