Immune status of the workers of technogenic-excited environment manufacture and of population living in this territory

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Background. To study the influence of technogenic-excited environment manufacture on clinical and immune
parameters of employees and population living in the territory of its influence.
Methods. The analysis of frequency of clinical features of immune dysfunction with clinical, immunolological
and allergological examination was carried out. 689 persons were examined: 474 - the personnel of industrial
complex, 215 - the population which is not working at industrial complex.
Results. Clinical signs of immune dysfunction during 2 year follow-up period were established in 77,3% of
population group. The immune parameters in all groups during 2 year follow-up period in comparison with
those during 1 year follow-up period showed the decreasing of number of leukocytes, T-lymphocytes, CD4+
T-lymphocytes as well as immunoregulative index. It was defined dissociation in level of NK-cells, expressed in
decreasing of absolute values of CD16+ lymphocytes and increasing of their percentage and increasing of CD8+
T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes and phagocytosis parameters.


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Copyright © Pharmarus Print Media, 1970

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